This app will eliminate your jet lag

This app will eliminate your jet lag

A simple, science-based mobile application that will reset circadian rhythms and help you enjoy your trip without the jet lag
06 May 24
The app that combats jet lag Image source: Unsplash Joyce Romero

Often the drawback of long-haul travel, almost everyone has (unfortunately) experienced jet lag.

TimeShifter aims to eliminate jet lag, and reset the circadian rhythm as quick as possible.

A very common result of travelling across timezones, especially quickly (ie. via air travel), jet lag is described as a temporary disruption to the body's internal clock or circadian rhythm, resulting in frustrating and unpleasant symptoms. With a myriad of symptoms, such as fatigue coupled with insomnia, difficulty concentrating, and potentially some gastrointestinal issues, the ultimate outcome of jet lag is irritability.

It typically takes a few days for the body to fully adapt, and the circadian rhythm to adjust into the new timezone and schedule.

Experiencing jet lag is not ideal for those travelling long-haul regularly, for those travelling for business or with a limited time in the new timezone, there is no one 'cure' for jet lag, although exposure to daylight, avoiding caffeinated drinks and sleep have all been known to help.

The Jet Lag App

However, there is now a mobile application that will essentially cure your jet lag issue without the old wives tales. Enter, TimeShifter.

Used by shift workers, pilots and air hosts, the application has been scientifically backed and it was also used by NASA astronauts during the Axiom Space Mission which is supported by the Saudi Space Agency. Created in association with the Global Wellness Institute, TimeShift aims to 'replace the myths with real jet lag science'.

How Much Does the App Cost?

Your first trip is free, which is the ideal way to see if it works for you. After this initial trial, you can select to pay $9.99 for an additional one-way or roundtrip jet lag plan, or select an unlimited one year subscription for $24.99.

How It Works

The application encourages users to take small actions at specific times based on their travel plans, and the difference in timezones so as to match or more accurately align their body clock with the new time zone.

TimeShifter uniquely integrates the essential components that have been proven to reset the circadian clock (ie. light-dark exposure and melatonin supplementation) and alleviate associated symptoms such as fatigue, irritation and potential digestive issues. It is a digital, on-the-go tool that utilises light exposure and other avoidance strategies to manipulate and reset your circadian rhythm, thus enabling a quicker adjustment to the time zone of your destination.

Who Is It For?

The TimeShifter application is available to anyone with access to a smart phone and application store. Ideal for those travelling extensively for business, those working in the travel and aviation industry or anyone with just a short period of time in their planned destination, wanting to make the most of their trip with limited jet lag symptoms.