Watch the Red Sea projects come to life

Watch the Red Sea projects come to life

With several luxury resorts set for completion this year, alongside the Kingdom's newest airport, its all go on the Red Sea coastline
11 August 23

The Red Sea Project and development of the Red Sea region for tourism was announced by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman in July 2017.

Numerous exclusive resorts have already been announced for the area, and some projects are close to completion such as Nujuma, A Ritz Carlton Reserve, The St. Regis Red Sea Resort and Six Senses Southern Dunes.

CEO of Red Sea Global (RSG), John Pagano has previously said that the region and properties in the area will ensure, encourage and support the highest level of accessibility to all visitors, whilst maintaining a focus on luxurious ecotourism and protecting the local environment.

Without a doubt, the development of the Red Sea region will support a key pillar of the Kingdom's Vision 2030, and encourage both local and international tourism to the nation, in turn supporting local business and creating new employment opportunities in the region.

With this in mind, the building of the Red Sea International Airport is well underway. Just this week, Red Sea Global in partnership with architects British firm Foster + Partners, released a video of the progress.

Construction of the Red Sea International Airport began in 2021, and is set to welcome visitors later this year, and will be located approximately 15 kilometres from the majority of luxury resorts along the Red Sea coast.

In the video, we can see that a number of runways have been completed and painted and construction of the main terminal building is well underway. Foster + Partners have also mentioned that the airport will take a more natural, curved shape so as to better fit in with the local landscape.

From a beautiful, yet desolate area to a thriving, developed region of the nation, the Red Sea area has come alive with the recent investment and construction.

The video below discusses the development of three key areas of the Red Sea project including the island areas of Shura, Sheybarah and the mountain resort of Desert Rock.

Numerous levels of planning, development, site priming and general construction have taken place over the last five years, and we are beginning to see the different areas of the Red Sea project come to life.

Sustainability in both the construction and the sourcing of energy has been at the core of developer's work in the region.

Making best use of the natural and locally available energy sources such as solar power, many part of the new and expansive Red Sea region will be powered by sustainably generated energy, as the nation works to fuel the Kingdom through more sustainable and eco-friendly options.

In construction, the developers are aiming to reduce waste and build pieces of large infrastructure off-site in order to protect the local lands and ecosystem.